Vision & Mission

Vision: A peaceful and just country in which freedom, human and democratic rights of all people are assured.

Mission:To work in partnership with different target groups to educate, mobilize and advocate to build a society of rights conscious citizens and a political culture that enables a political solution to the ethnic conflict and equal opportunities to all.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Free Media Movement and civic activists took part in a public protest rally

Members of the Free Media Movement and civic activists took part in a public protest rally in Jaffna on Tuesday August 16.  They protested against government inaction following the brutal attack on senior journalist G Kuganathan of the Jaffna-based Uthayan newspaper.  He was beaten on the head with iron poles and was warded in the intensive care section of the Jaffna General Hospital.  His assailants escaped despite the attack taking place within fifty metres of a military sentry point in the heart of the town, which is under heavy military control.  A report submitted by the police to the President remains a confidential document.

Four members of NPC took part in the protest. They consisted of two Governing Council members and two staff members.  NPC also provided financial support for the transport of journalists from Colombo who travelled to Jaffna to provide solidarity with their colleagues in Jaffna. Earlier NPC issued a media release condemning the attack on Mr Kuganathan and the impunity with which attacks on media freedom had taken place in the past.  In its statement, NPC said "A code of silence, a facade of investigations and a failure to prosecute suspects are the main characteristics of this impunity. None of the killings or attacks on media institutions have been solved. This has led to a climate of fear and self-censorship within journalists and also the larger society. This is not democracy where fundamental freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution are protected by the Government of the day."

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